若尾経 個展 Kei Wakao Solo Exhibition
2024年5月3日(金)〜 25日(土)/ May 3 - 25, 2024
出展作家 / Artist
若尾経 作家在廊日:5月4日(土) 11:00~
桃青京都ギャラリーではギャラリーAにて若尾経個展を開催しております。 若尾経さんは試行錯誤、研究を重ね、青瓷・象牙瓷・米色瓷など多彩な釉調をつくり上げました。練り込み技法や二重貫入が生み出す奥行のある景色に加え、躍動感のある造形美が若尾経さんの作品の魅力です。 茶碗、花器など様々な釉調の新作をこの機会にぜひご高覧ください。 Tosei Kyoto Gallery is pleased to present Kei Wakao's solo exhibition. Kei Wakao has created a wide variety of glazes, such as celadon, ivory celadon, and rice-colored porcelain, through repeated trial and error and research. The depth of the scenery created by the kneading technique and "niju-kannyu" (double crazing), as well as the dynamic beauty of the form, are the charms of Kei Wakao's works. Please take this opportunity to view his new works in a variety of glaze tones, including tea bowls and vases.
【展示作品 / Exhibited Works】